this episode is still unfinished, updates are notified from the discord
if you see this little thing, wait until whatever youre seeing is finished. take it in.
G1:"Jazz, he is INSANE. Every 4 days, he comes out here and "takes in the void". WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?? He could fall off, or he could be distracting us from crimes going on. why are we even letting him out here, for minutes, sometimes even HOURS doing NOTHING???
G2:"He seems very passionate about his "craft". Maybe theres something going on in his life we dont understand. It is not like hes harming anything.."
G2:"I mean, what if he is just thinking? we cannot see inside of his mind."
G1:"IT'S A WASTE OF TIME!! This job is SERIOUS. Arent there other places for people like him??"
G2:"Zena!! SHUT UP!!! He might hear you talking Baloney Shenanigans about him literally right behind his back!"
G1:"Ok, fine, but I am telling him we have to go back now."
~~ ~~ ~~
The void is all, and the void is empty. I pray to you, meaningless, lawless gods who created this emptiness, the nothing, for nothing. You are not under any entities power, you are free. I aspire to join you all down there, but I still have work to do, converting the people of this mortal realm to your mindset. I know you are real, from my dreams. You are channeling your messages to me. The purgatory of the White House is my gateway to the other side. Revelation.
Let my mere appreciation of your existence serve as my tribute to your ongoing passive reign. Give me a sign, for the 506th time, I ask fo-
~~ ~~ ~~G1:"Mr. Exemount, We need to return-"
...G1:"Oh, you're ready to go now?"
~~ ~~ ~~
gaaaaaah, whats this new status wenteds got???
i dont see it in the settings.
welp, im gonna go outside....
huh. well that just made me think. ive never stopped to look out this window before. its such a good view. after the construction station lowers, of course. they just dont want people seeing them not working. i wonder if anyones ever gotten fired for that. what constructor DOESNT work?? theres nothing for them to do. all the buildings are usually fine, and the occasional damage from accidents or rebels only takes, like, 2 people. they get paid SO MUCH crown for it. why?? i mean, its a very good thing that theres basically just a "free money if you dont let your boss see" job, but you dont really need that type of job in quadropolis. most jobs make good amounts of crown, and things arent really that expensive. its just unnecessary laziness. hm.
something else, why are some valuable things so cheap?? you would think an apartment would cost at least over 100 crowns, but this one cost FIFTY! and since its not a house, there isnt even any afterpay!!! i could live here my entire life and raise a family for only 50 crowns. thats how much i make in a day from the painting sales. what could i possibly do with so much crown?? wait, i know...charities!! that way, people wont follow me around just for being rich, because i donated all of my crown. yes. i can finally have real, connected relationships again after years of being isolated at the top, surrounded by my few friends who care about ME and my stupid crown. i just want to go outside without having to wear sunglasses so people dont recognize me. maybe its the black dress. its an easy identifier, maybe ill go out in.. a tshirt! no, who the hell wears a tshirt anymore?? i dont want to be popular but i still want people to not think im WEIRD even though i am. yeah, ok, i think im gonna change into like, a long sleeved shirt. yes. this is a good start.
what was i doing again?? i dont remember. ive been too distracted, i need to focus..
...and may my mere appreciation of your unprecedented and ultimate passive nature be a signal of my prayers. amen break.
ugh, i truly hate being forced to complete my praying in a janitors closet. i do not fear if the purely passive and neutral gods cannot hear me for i am not near the void as i prayer for i am under no effect of their anger or reaction. they are harmless but powerful, genius yet brainless and godlike yet godless, they are all and i am all with them. my fake name is denton exemount. its not fake, it is my real name. i want people to think its a fake name even though its a real name, why would i pretend to be named a fake name when my real name is being used for absurd showcase as a fake name while being a real name, i dont know. i am insane and i dont know what to do.
~~ ~~ ~~D:"JUST A SECOND."
D:"Alright, I have finished"
P:"Good for you boss."
P:"We're gonna have to head back to base.. quickly."
D:"DAMN IT MAN!!!!!!!!!"
P:"Ok, I know it looks bad..."
P:"Alright alright, i'm sorry."
D:"NO, PEZ. THIS DOESNT NEED A SORRY, IT NEEDS YOU TO GET RID OF ALL THESE FLIERS AS FAST AS POSSIBLE... Ok, I think I am calming down.. Yes, if we have too many posters, a quadroguard will TOTALLY get suspicious and it might ruin our entire operation. They can just use graytracers to find whoever set up this.. OUTRAGEOUS.. Amount of posters. You can't just leave around a crazy amount of identification if we are supposed to keep the fact we own the grandest rebel organization ever created, wanted by multiple ENTIRE SECTIONS OF QUADROPOLIS, a secret."
P:"Ok, I'll fix it."
P:"What does the flier actually mean, by the way?"
D:"It is a knife stabbing something."
P:"But... what does that actually mean???"
D:"Not much. It is supposed to be interpreted into a deeper meaning."
P:"Maybe the knife is our organization, since it is the logo, taking a small stab at the giant oppressive building which is the government."
D:"That is good, but it does not make any sense."
D:"We are not rebelling against the government. We are rebelling against the Nothing. I've told you this 10 times since you have been recruited- the White House from my dreams is a real place in the Nothing, and using the skills of an entire secret organization, we can scrap together enough ENERGY to make it all the way down there and solve the entire universe. Questions such as "Why do we exist?" will have simple answers."
P:"But who will answer all of these questions?"
D:"Pez.. how could you even BEING to PERCIEVE ASKING something like that.."
P:"Huh?? What's the problem??"
D:"Ok, what if I asked you.. Why were you born? like, should we not have the consent to be birthed into this world? If we did not want to be born when we were mindless infants, are we meaningless and still those mindless infants wishing we never left the womb???"
D:"Nevermind, you clearly still have more research to do."
Why do i suddenly have a small feeling of.. anxiousness? This group was advertised as friendly and underground, but what he is saying is teetering on cult-like beliefs. Ill keep going until something actually notably weird happens
mm.. very good. i havent worn this outfit in like, 2 years.
ok, time to check that BROWSER... just gotta
the hell is this??
whats wrong with this thing????
ill just do a reboot...
. . .
..what in the world?
P:"I'm not going to get arrested if i am found out to be a part of this organization, am i?"
D:"Not really, they just would like to discover who the actual leader of the group is, due to false rumors of destruction of property caused by-"
D:"hey. HEY. Pez, look at that person over there. Right there."
P:"..Yeah, what?"
D:"THAT.. uh, there is a crown on his back. It is grey. A GREY OBJECT, PEZ."
"Oh, so familiar... FAMILIAR"
P:"Is this object.. important?"
D:"Yes. Oh YES."
P:"He looks like he has just came out of the rain.. he must not own literally any vehicle if hes that wet. Must be newly moved out of his parents house. Maybe.. 18?"
D:"Ohh, this is such a LUCK BASED INCIDENT.."
D:"The odds of us seeing another person with one of those treasured ethreal objects had to have been DICTATED by some sort of higher force!"
What the hell is this guy talking about?
W:"AUGH! You scared me, sir."
D:"Apologies. I was just taking note of the peculiar object on your back."
W:"Oh, this crown? ..I don't think you would believe me if I were to, uh, explain how-"
D:"It came out of your computer."
D:"Appears that your PC was also infected by an unknown entity."
W:"You had the same thing?"
D:"Yes. Blessed with these artifacts."
W:"..Why, sure is lucky we happened to have seen eachother, isn't it?"
D:"Yknow, There is an organization in support.. of who we believe these entities are."
W:"I suppose I could join."
D:"I happen to be the leader. We go by the Revelators."
W:"Ok, im in."
D:"Meet us at this address tonight. It is only the Morning Storm right now, so you should have all day to get ready."
W:"Seeya, gotta talk to my friend!"
D:"(..God, those elevators are small..)"
"Anyways Pez, it seems we are done promoting for today,"
P:"Are you serious?"
D:"What, what is wrong?"
"I had to go through a trog of trash only to get a green T-neck! And some research nerd who was not even going to interact with you or the organization is INSTANTLY IN!
D:"Oh, do not fret my good sir. We will be needing him for his blessed object"
P:"Ugh, alright. If something like this happens again, I swear..."