this episode is finished!!
wow, what a dream!!! pretty spooky to be honest. just a white house, on a white planet, in a black void. like, dang. super scary.
anyways, hello, i am wented, wented waylay, i live in this city, this amazing city in this amazing world. its so great, and i cant wait to see my friends, on this day.
uh, i gotta get some dang clothes on. cant go around with this damn crotch exposed. that would be weird. and im not weird!!
its very rainy outside, and the thunder killed my electricity, so i gotta go and help them fix the power box.. then i can get on my computer and talk to my friends!!!!! HOORAY!!!!! its gonna be awesome.
my friends are probably waiting for me to get online, or they could be having an outage as well, which would infact be a predicament. truly crazy, wild, and are these pants tighter than usual? i feel an odd shrinkage in this fitting of clothes, maybe its just cause im getting slightly older and ive just moved out of my moms house because i turned 18. i do wish i knew where my father was, i know hes out there somewhere and the vices deemed him out-of-orbit, but i believe he is alive, well, and nearby. one can dream, though...
my friends are cool. i like humph, shes very cool, shes red and radical. well, shes actually a radical. thats what her variation of the monotone species is. im a statical. anyways, my apartment is pretty cool. how can i complain? there is a bedroom, which can fit.. 2 people.. a bathroom, and an empty room that i made into my living/work room. it has my computer! and i sure do like my computer. it only cost 20 crowns. which is honestly a days work. hell, this whole apartment was only 50 crowns! what a friggin' steal. its not one of those solo buildings which cost around 5 crowns a week to stay in. this thing is permanent till i move out. absolutely incredible.
what was i doing? i dont actually remember. its dark in this hallway, though.. oh yeah, the power box is out cause of the STORM. we gotta head down there!! NOW!!
oh yeah, my computer should be on now!!!!
oh my god.....
this... COMPUTER...
oh my
yo. my names humph. im drawing on posters, theres laundry on my floor. its not dirty, though. i keep my room dark, i shut my blinds. my friends are cool. the window is facing a wall with a big bridge roof thingy so when it rains i cant see it. thats ok though. i think im gonna do something today, other than drawing. maybe like, walk around outside or something. i dunno. im gonna talk to wented. i like him. a lot. too lazy to do anything with that, lol. haha. my other friends are also cool i guess. my back hurts.....
i guess ill g-
man.. this floor is pretty nice.. yeah, wented can wait.. z..
ok, maybe that was a little too intense. one moment thinking about the pure and utter EFFORT put into the amazing creation of the computer, it truly AND INTREPIDLY can conquer the brain of all thought and motion. good thing i live alove so nobody heard that OR saw that.
i wonder what humphs been doing this morning..
time to check the old XX DCo Hardrunner. INCREDIBLY respected for its wonderful fusion of a gimmick and an upgrade. the old version, the X DCo, only had one tablet available to open, hence the one X for the single close tab button. but the new XX software, truly revolutionary, has 2 TABS! now you can use, lets say, a calculator, while submitting calculations to research hubs for easy crown. or, editing a NotAblet™ with a list for goods while talking to a friend, giving demands, on what to put on the list, of said goods. AMAZING! time to talk to my friends.
ah yes, a total new and hip modern retro classic desktop. i can tell people in the future using this at a younger age will have fond nostalgia in the future. i wonder if there will ever be a TRIPLE X limit- only one could imagine the processing of the future. looks like humphs on snooze again! a yellow dot is an easy way out of people bothering you when you get online.
hmm... what to type..
== == - X
ICARUS3pic: H̶e̶l̶l̶o̶,̶ ̶M̶s̶.̶ ̶A̶r̶b̶e̶r̶a̶!̶ ̶H̶a̶h̶a̶,̶ ̶j̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶k̶i̶d̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶H̶u̶m̶p̶h̶.̶nah, too sarcastically formal. especially over text.
ICARUS3pic: Sup, H. wanna come over a̶n̶d̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶i̶d̶k̶ ̶h̶a̶n̶g̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶l̶o̶l̶Good Jast. yknow what, ill just talk to someone else..
== DOCKLORD == Online == ICARUS3pic: Sup Pyrone. I was just about to submit some stuff to the research hub. Wanna help me?? DOCKLORD: yeaa, sorry man. i have to go to work earlier today. stupid boss thinks im slacking. i hate him so much the crowns are just raining in though ICARUS3pic: Haha, yeah. My boss treats us like we are higher than him, which is honestly pretty nice. DOCKLORD: k bye"honestly pretty nice"?!? god, why do i regret EVERYTHING i say only AFTER i say it?? stupid, STUPID
stupid awards... why do they even care.. i HATE my art..
this endless rain makes all my ray-paintings filled with RAINDROPS. UGH!!! THEYRE SO UGLY...
why give a photographic GIFT if theres always CRAP in my eyes..
crowns.. i cant stop thinking about crowns... but does my work... deserve those crowns?????
definitely not. but what am i gonna do, stop? i cant ever stop. then i wouldnt HAVE crown. and i like having crown.
what have i gained if i have no joy in what i make other than MONEY.. no incentive.. wented is impressed, so thats cool i guess
impressed in the crown, i bet. we are only tall children, teenagers in a world of adults. i can perfectly live on my own, but is it as joyful or fulfilling as with others, or the close.. guys??
ugh, what am i TALKING about?? my work is epic, only because i make the moneys. that glasses man LIKES the moneys, so the moneys are damn epic. if i think about how i dont like my work, i wont DO it. and i HAVE to do it. UGH!!!!!!! im going on the damn computer. damn, damn, damn.
time to open the BROWSER... it-... uh, why wont it open? usually it would close ReSpeak 2™, and then open, so that the system isnt overwhelmed with more than 2 tablets. is it a bug? there has never been a bug on a DCo system. EVER!! i dont believe it..
uhm.. i uh.. uh.
maybe its a virus? but all virus compatibility was removed in this version.. GET BACK HERE!!!!!!
STOP IT, FOOLISH HACKER! or whatever you are... youre RUINING EVERYTHING!!
ok, this is too weird, im going to to the bathroom.
oh my actual flip.
.. YIPPE!!!!
~~ ~~ ~~ Z:"HELLO WORKER, WHERE IS WENTED WAYLAY MY SON" ?:"what? yeh hes in the apartment." Z:"OK GOOD BECAUSE IT HIS IS BIRTHDAY TODAY" ?:"??"
== == ==